All This Stuff

The World is Round

What if I were to tell you that the world was round? Depending how nice you are you might say something like, "Well, yeah, I know that!" But what if I were to tell you this information in like 2000 B.C.? Before Pythagoras, Aristotle, Columbus, and NASA!

Job 26:7-10

7 He stretches out the north over empty space;
      He hangs the earth on nothing. 8 He binds up the water in His thick clouds,
      Yet the clouds are not broken under it.

9 He covers the face of His throne,
      And spreads His cloud over it.

10 He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,
      At the boundary of light and darkness. NKJV
Image property and courtesy of NASA
I wonder how people looked at these verses back in the day. "God hangs the earth on nothing? What?!" And I believe verse 10 implies a spherical planet. Of course, now the modern world knows that the earth is a spherical planet that floats in space.

It Rains too!


Ecclesiastes 1:6-7                             Ecclesiastes 11:3

6 The wind goes toward the south,                               If the clouds are full of rain,
   And turns around to the north;                                  They empty themselves upon the earth;
   The wind whirls about continually,                         And if a tree falls to the south or the north,
   And comes again on its circuit.                                 In the place where the tree falls, there it shall lie. NKJV
7 All the rivers run into the sea,
   Yet the sea is not full;
   To the place from which the rivers come,
   There they return again. NKJV

Job 36:27-29

27 For He draws up drops of water,
     Which distill as rain from the mist,

28 Which the clouds drop down
     And pour abundantly on man.

29 Indeed, can anyone understand the spreading of clouds,
     The thunder from His canopy? NKJV


Needless to say, this stuff was written a long time ago.. In Ecclesiastes 1:7 we can understand that the water that rivers give out are recycled and are given out by the same rivers again. In Job 36:27 we can gather evaporation and precipitation.